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Maintenance Services
Refurbishment and repair of other components/parts
Date:2023-06-02 15:22:58

Refurbishment and repair of hydraulic cylinders.

Refurbishment and repair of tail shaft white steel sleeves.

Refurbishment and repair of cylinder sleeves.

Refurbishment and repair of gears.

Refurbishment and repair of ball joints.

Refurbishment and repair of variable pitch propeller blades.

Refurbishment and repair of valve stems.

Refurbishment and repair of pump bodys.

Refurbishment and repair of bearings.

Refurbishment and repair of piston rods.

Refurbishment and repair of hydraulic rods.


Refurbishment and repair of fule pumps.


Refurbishment of new balance shaft and camshaft.


Refurbishment of variable-pitch propeller hub.


Refurbishment of piston.


Previous:Connecting rod refurbishment and repair

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