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Metal wear self-reparing materal
Metal wear self-repairing material
Date:2023-06-05 11:16:13

Dalian Huahai Ship Engineering Co., Ltd. is the sole private enterprise agent for the marine products of self-repairing metal wear-resistant materials under Huawei Group's subsidiary, Sanya Shenglong Material Development Co., Ltd.

The product is widely used in various vehicles, internal combustion locomotives, and engines, and has achieved significant results.

It has passed national-level new product technology identification.

Interviewed by CCTV Science and Technology Program "Xinghuo" (Spark).

Interviewed by CCTV Channel Two.

The evaluations from authoritative institutions are as follows:

Self-repairing metal wear materials have undergone multiple large-scale application tests under the supervision and guidance of authoritative departments such as environmental protection, quality inspection, and testing. They have the effects and benefits of reducing fuel consumption, providing power performance, and achieving certain energy-saving and consumption-reducing effects. The technology is mature and reliable.

Actual tests on in-use gas and diesel vehicles have shown that the addition of this product can effectively reduce vehicle emissions and achieve good results in controlling vehicle pollution.

This product has reached an advanced level in the treatment of pollution from old vehicles and has good effects in energy conservation and emission reduction. It meets the conditions for environmental protection technology demonstration.

Extensive experiments and practical applications by the 73667 Army Unit on engines, data comparison and analysis have shown that the use of self-repairing metal wear materials has a certain repairing effect on engines, making the engine combustion more complete, stabilizing power, shortening startup time, and significantly reducing fuel and oil consumption compared to before use.

The application of self-repairing metal wear materials in 100 internal combustion engines allows for the non-disassembly and on-site repair of worn parts of diesel engines, providing technical performance for high-power diesel engines. It eliminates regular maintenance for diesel engines. According to statistical data, it can eliminate two mid-level repairs for diesel engines after running 300,000 and 600,000 kilometers respectively, and directly enter factory repairs after running 900,000 kilometers.

Please feel free to contact us by phone or email.

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